Sunday, February 6, 2011

puppy love

haha don't get too serious, u'll end up hurting yourself :)
trust me. i've been there. population of jerks keep on increasing -.-
POYO aku nii. *membebel bajet dah pro sgt ni
seriously, umur belasan, setahun jagung mcm akuu, patut explore the world.

tk sabarr nak belajarr, nak BUSY *haha aku normal ke ni
so that i'll not involve in in this puppylove-thingy
MARI BELAJARR, menjamin masa depan yg CERAH *semakin membebel


Unknown said...

haha , teruskan membebel :)

Dahlan said...

Well it depends, Ms. Sharifah. It all depends where he is a great guy or not. But if the guy is a total jerk, just forget about him.

As in my case, its all about looking for the dreamgirl.

Your right, its time to get into future studies!

nurul hidayah said...

jomm study (:

Sharifah Nur Aina said...

yeahhh! jom studyyy :) *semangat berkobar - kobarr

mizzbutterfly said...

na da ade bf yer...??

Sharifah Nur Aina said...

haha MESTILAA takda. still muda kanak kanak lagi laah kakwani. mana boleh bf2 nii

tna :) said...

i cnt agree m0re to tht :D

Sharifah Nur Aina said...

hehe kan TNA kan?

tna :) said...

haha . yup yup yup !!