Monday, February 14, 2011


nakkk result mcmni boleh?
ganti bahasa cina dgn akaun.
ganti moral dgn PAI.
no EST.



emerald boy.. said...

insyallah bole...
wa caye kt lu...haha

Dahlan said...


Ak pown takut. Ak 8 subject, including Econ's ngan Perdagangan. Hai, harap2 dpt lah 4-5 A. Tp, selalunya, org yg nak masuk college (which I want too), you only need 5C's.

The best idea? Tawakal jer lah.

tna :) said...

i wish!! amin :)
elevation hebt

Sharifah Nur Aina said...

dahlan, u nak masuk college mana? :)
yes, the best is idea is tawakal, but still.. takut =.=

kan TNA kan? semua elevators straight A+, wahh bestnnyaaa :)

Sharifah Nur Aina said...

emerald boy, arigato :D

mizzbutterfly said...

insyaALLAH na...teruskan berdoa tanpa henti...

Dahlan said...

Erm, Unirazak because it has the course that I want which is Islamic Banking and Finance. It requires 5C's. But takkan, nak 5C untuk SPM? At least 4A lah. Baru cun sket.

Anyway, for now I'm based in Bahrain. Infact, I applied for a bank internship here, so, waiting for their answers. Its my dreamjob. Its in my blog if you want to know more.

Sharifah Nur Aina said...

u knw what, i want to futher my study in accountancy :)

so, we have something in common, MONEY! haha *tah apa apa =.=

what made u so interested in tht job?

Athirah Ikhsan said...

Sherry bakal akauntan yang hebat ! go!go!

Sharifah Nur Aina said...

hoho bakal akauntan terhebat? amin. :)